The Sober Curious Reset


The Sober Curious Reset Ruby Warrington

The Sober Curious Reset: Change the Way You Drink in 100 Days or Less

My 2019 book, Sober Curious, was an illuminating conversation starter that asked you to consider, “Would life be better without alcohol?” thus sparking a global wellness trend of “curiosity” on how to gain one’s genuine confidence and happiness without the crutch of alcohol.

In The Sober Curious Reset, I go a step further by inviting readers into a 100-day process of radically rethinking their drinking. Each “day” features observations, exercises, and insights, offering a more profound process of self-discovery than common month-long programs like Dry January or Sober September. I keep itfriendly, honest, and totally non-judgmental, while helping you unmask the deeper “whys” behind your drinking, understand why 100 days alcohol-free is so transformational, and how to create a truly sustainable shift in habits — so you can live with more presence, focus, and overall well-being.

The Sober Curious Reset is not about preaching total abstinence — rather, it’s about empowering you to make the right drinking choices, whatever this may look like for you.